Category: books

Superior Justice Free April 19 & 20

Howdy, Ya’ll.

Some of you know I’ve been battling some chronic pain issues, so I haven’t been terribly “in touch.” I apologise for that. FYI, I am working on a new Superior Mystery – I’m about 20% into it.

In the meantime, tomorrow and Friday (April 19-20), you can introduce your friends and family to Jonah and the gang for FREE!

(If you live across the dateline, in Australia, New Zealand, East Asia, etc., it will be April 20-21 for you).

You can share this post, put it on social media, send it emails, whatever. Here’s the link:

Superior Justice, Free April 19-20.

I don’t say it enough, but I think it all the time: You people are awesome. There never would have been a Superior Mystery Series without your encouragement. Thank you.

All the best,



I’m not dead yet!

Hey folks,

I’m sure some of you have wondered what has happened to me. Others probably don’t even remember me, it’s been so long. In fact I bet some of you are looking at this in your email program, thinking, “Who is this from? Why am I getting this?”

[To answer that: at some point, you signed up to follow this, my blog. You probably enjoyed reading one of my Lake Superior Mysteries, and in a moment of weakness, decided to follow my blog. I would surely love it if you would continue to follow it. Do any of these books ring a bell?]


The bad news is, something indeed has “happened” to me. I’ve had a number of health struggles over the past few years. The good news, I don’t appear to be dying any faster than everyone else – I just have a bit more pain in my body than the average Joe.

Anyway, this is to let you know that I’m going to be a bit more active in blogging, and in social media in general. To that effect, I have revamped my website (even though I don’t remember “vamping” it in the first place….) and I would like to move my blogging apparatus so that it’s integrated to the new website. I don’t believe there is anything you need to do. Just be aware that your “membership” here is going to be shifted over there (“there” being Your information isn’t being sold, or traded, or whatever. You’re just getting put in boxes, and moved to my new house, and haphazardly unpacked. Have no fear: you will still get the same high-quality mindless blather that you’ve come to expect from me.

See you soon!




I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted here – but that’s because I’ve been busy writing! The First Draft of the Fourth Book has come forth! Editing will commence immediately. In the meantime, I can use help from loyal fans and disinterested bystanders who like my posts only so I’ll like them back: I would like you to help me choose a title.

Here is my rough draft of the book’s description:

>>>>>It is generally considered bad form to visit a brothel during your honeymoon, and it’s even worse when you’re a pastor. Even so, at the time, it seems to Jonah Borden like the right thing to do. Besides, it only happened twice.

It all starts innocently enough, with a big tip to an undeserving waitress. Her efforts to thank Jonah and his new bride, Leyla, backfire ridiculously, and soon they have lost their passports in a scam, and are stranded in Greece.

As they try to extricate themselves they find they are only in deeper, and soon the newlyweds are battling hardened criminals just to survive. When they find out that they are not the only ones, the stakes get even higher. <<<<<

Here are some thoughts:

Superior Getaway

Superior Honeymoon

Superior Vacation

Superior Absence

Superior Stakes

Superior Scam

Superior Smuggler

Superior Morality

I’d love your comments, votes, or suggestions for something else. Use the comment section below. If that doesn’t work, or if you don’t want to use the comment section, you can email me here: tomATtomhilpertDOTCOM. The reason I spelled it out like that is avoid scammy-robots. Put in the symbols – don’t use the spelling like I did.

Thanks for your help. Hope to give you something in time to occupy your holidays this year!


Old books made new, new books…being written!

My dear and wonderful readers,

I have a few fun items to share with you!

FIRST, I am in the process of writing the next Superior Mystery. I just finished with a scene in which Jonah cannot obtain coffee. It was a tough, emotional piece to write.

Unfortunately, writing takes time, and I have other responsibilities also. Look for this book in summer or fall of 2015.

If you want to see more Superior Mysteries, more often, the best thing you can do is tell other people about them. The more popular they are, the more time I will have for writing.

SECOND, there IS a new book, written by yours truly, that will shortly be available. I have extensively edited my very first novel, written nearly fifteen years ago. Formerly it was known as Galedor. The new title is The Forgotten King.

Here’s the cover image, hand-drawn by one of my daughters. This isn’t the completed cover, just the main image, but I think it’s awesome!


Forgotten King BThe Forgotten King is a fantasy fiction novel geared for youth and young adults. As far as I can tell, most of you tend to be a little more – ah, mature – than the target audience for this book. Even so, I think you may find it worthwhile for three reasons:

  • In the first place, I don’t actually know your – shall we say – maturity level. Perhaps you are in the target audience for this book.
  • Next, even if Young Adult Fantasy fiction is not your style, I bet you know someone who loves it. I would deeply appreciate it if you would consider telling the teens and young adults in your life about The Forgotten King.
  • Third, perhaps, in spite of your expectations, you may enjoy this book. I’ll be fair: my own grandmother did not like it. But quite a few other people who are not typically readers of fantasy have enjoyed it. As I revised the book, I found myself delighting in these characters once more; they certainly have their moments.

One final fun thing. My daughter, who is a Lake Superior Mysteries fan, if only because she finds me more amusing in print than in person, has created some “fan art.” Through her ingenuity, you can purchase a ceramic coffee mug which has printed on it: “Elixir of the Gods: Jonah Borden approved.”

You can find it here:

Stay tuned for the big release announcement!

How To Tell If You Are In A High Fantasy Novel

I will soon be re-releasing my original fantasy novel, written 15 years ago. This article made me laugh and cry at the same time!

How To Tell If You Are In A High Fantasy Novel.

More is here, more is coming…

It breaks my heart to hear from readers, asking if I have any other books, when they have only read one or two!

As of 2014, there are three Superior Mysteries: Justice, Storm and Secrets (written in that order).

Many of you, of course, have read all three, and for that I thank you! The normal message I get from you folks is: “When will #4 be available?”

2014 has been an ADHD year for writing for me. I finished a theological work, started writing a memoir of growing up in Papua New Guinea, started producing an audiobook version of Justice and (drumroll please), outlined TWO MORE Superior Mysteries.

Of course, outlining isn’t writing, but rest assured, there is plenty more to come from Jonah, Leyla and the crew.

In the meantime, please keep telling people about these books, and if you haven’t already, write some reviews on Amazon and on Goodreads. This series is entirely “reader supported.”

Also, if you haven’t already done so, please read the others!



Hey folks,

Superior Secrets is generally available as paperback and kindle now. You can get the paperback on Amazon here:

…and the kindle, here:

If you have friends or family who are readers, it’s a great Christmas idea. If you’d like  a signed paperback, go over to, click the “contact” page, and send me a message, and we’ll set it up.

Meanwhile, Superior Justice is once more FREE, today only, on Amazon Kindle!

Happy Friday!


Superior Secrets

As promised, you can now purchase the Print edition of Superior Secrets! If you want a signed copy, contact me directly, or comment on this post.

Right now it is available here. (or click on the picture to the left). Within the week, it should show up in Amazon “proper,” as well as many other book outlets!




SUPERIOR SECRETS is almost ready! As you can see, we have a cover!

As we put the finishing touches together, I am reminded again of the need for a killer book description to lure in new readers.  Here’s what we have for Superior Secrets:

It’s wintertime on the North Shore and the snow is thick on the ground. Jonah Borden, the coffee-guzzling, wisecracking, gourmet-cooking man of the cloth, is about to tie the knot with his sweetheart, Leyla Bennett. But before they do, Leyla joins a cult, ostensibly in order to complete an investigative report. However, Borden is worried: there are signs that her commitment to the new religion may have become more serious.

When Borden confronts the cult leader, he is rebuffed. Meanwhile, mysterious hunting accidents begin happening around the town of Grand Lake. Assisted by his friends, Jonah tries to find a way to get Leyla out. What he uncovers is bigger than any of them had guessed. Now, he’s in a race to save his own life, and those of his friends, before a powerful enemy snuffs them out.

Superior Secrets is set amidst the wild beauty of Lake Superior. Featuring a cast of unique, memorable characters, this is part of the Lake Superior Mystery series, but none of the books have to be read in order.

I could use a little help here. I’m wondering if there are any of you, who have not read any of previous Lake Superior Mysteries, who could evaluate this description for me? If you haven’t read the books, does this description get your attention? Does it tell you enough? Does it say too much?  I deeply appreciate your feedback!

If you have read any of the previous books, I welcome your feedback too, but try to be objective: would this description interest you if you knew nothing about the series?

Thanks so much!