tomhead10-09Mostly, this whole blog is a shameless attempt to become rich and famous as a writer. But seriously, I hope what you find here might also be interesting, informative and inspirational. My hope is that you can learn some new things about writing and publishing, and enjoy yourself; maybe even become a better person.

The best way I can think of for you to do that, is to buy my book (there’s a grin and a wink here…)

I don’t expect you take me seriously as a writer unless you have read my work yourself, so I’ve posted a sample of my non-fiction, as well as the first chapter from one of my novels. You can find them on the “Non-fiction Sample” and “Fiction Sample” pages. 

I think the quality of my writing can speak for itself, but you might be interested in my experience also. I’ve written two novels, and I’m working on a third. I have been published dozens of times in print magazines, as well as on websites. In addition to writing, I am an ordained pastor. Through my ministry, I have written hundreds of pieces. Most of my ministry writing has been in providing polished, practical, relatively short written sermons which can be used by other churches and small groups everywhere. I call them “Sermon Notes” and they have been used in the United States and all over the world.

I have also written dialogue and plot for two different computer games.

I’m not an expert on everything, but I do sincerely hope you enjoy the blog!


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